Wednesday, February 4, 2009

50 Cent vs. Rick Ross: Finally A Beef We Can Care About? Not Really

There are plenty of folks who believe 50 Cent is the last stand for commercial Hip Hop right now. These folks think Before I Self Destruct will be the barometer by which the rest of the decades blockbuster albums will be measured. With Kanye giving his long dormant sensitive side some attention, T.I. headed off to the pokey and Wayne doing more guitar strumming than lyric writing these days, I'd say those folks might be right. I would assume all that pressure on Mr. Jackson is the catalyst for his "reach for the neck of any artist who goes gold" approach to beef. But when was the last time we saw someone else throw the first punch? Have we ever seen that? Did 50 actually miss someone? Yup. The Boss.

In steps Ross. When he first showed up on the scene, I expected nothing from him. Given, Hip Hop fans tend to like fat guys. Maybe that's some Notorious B.I.G. residual sentiment, but I don't know. I just felt like his flow came across too raspy and breathy, like he needed a respirator break every once in a while. However, he made it happen with Port Of Miami and I respect that.

The biggest boss just crept up on us, kinda like an undercover cop. I was shocked that he managed it, but now we know he had that po-po slow creep training. And that still didn't deter his fans. He might actually be one of those survivors the Hip Hop world needs. And I'm sure that was on the General's mind when Ross reached out to him in that "fuck you dog cuz you ain't shit" kinda way.

I like Mafia Music, but are you really dissing someone if you say you want to trick off with their baby momma? Especially if he can't stand his baby momma? What the hell kinda diss is that? I'm a trick and I want to pay your ex's rent? I'm sure Fifty was like, "Hell yeah! Do that shit!" Not to mention, Ross claims to be too legit to quit. C'mon Ross. Stop that shit before you end up opening for Hammer on the Blue Grass festival circuit. I don't even think they make Hammer pants that big, but I digress.

Anyhow and such, the half dollar wasted no time in getting back. His response is called Try Me, but in a trick twist, Ross already did, didn't he? I do appreciate the fact that 50 actually raps in this song as opposed to that angry, non-rhyming, spoken word he has become partial to. He threw some of that "I'm just gonna yell at your ass" in at the end, but that was just because Wayne hasn't earned an actual rhyme from Fifty recently.

So what now? Elephant In The Maybach mixtape? Maybe Rick Ross can arrest Fifty for sneaking 'roids into his Vitamin Water. Hell, if I know. And I really don't care all that much. Both Rick Ross and 50 Cent have albums dropping in the first quarter. It's time these dudes cut the shit and really get on the grind so instead of downloading these silly singles which are probably no more that shifts on stuff that was sitting on the cutting room floor we can all find an album we can believe in. Lord knows I'm not looking forward to hearing Wayne's Rebirth, but if these rappers continue to use their energy to fuel bullshit beef, that might be all we have to look forward to.